If you have not yet purchased your Program Ad, you may complete this form and  complete your purchase.
*Your complete payment must be received by our print deadline to be included in the Tablescapes program!

Kappa must be a 'member in good standing' of the Dallas Alumnae Association of Kappa Kappa Gamma to purchase and be included in the Kappa Tablescapes Program.  A member in good standing is one whose Dallas Alumnae Association dues have been paid, and are current for the year in which the upcoming Tablescapes event will be held.

Returning Advertiser
New Advertiser

(Ex: Realtor, designer, caterer, service business, etc.)

We use your website, or email if you don't have a website, to add the hyperlink in your ad in our Lookbook.

If you know a potential advertiser that was not in the Tablescapes Program last year you believe might be interested in being included in this year’s Program, please refer them to us! Please provide name and contact information (email and/or phone).


Please send your Program Ad Photo/Artwork, high resolution, to the Program Ad Chair at

For questions about your ad or photo, contact the Program Ad Chair.
Kappa Realtors with questions may contact the Realtor Ad Chair at

*Returning purchasers:  Your prior year ad photo will be used unless you submit a NEW headshot thumbnail photo or other photo/artwork.

Ad Placement Photo Deadline:  AUGUST 15
Photos/Full or Half Page Ad Design Deadline:  SEPTEMBER 1

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